"Your heart knows the way. Run in that direction."


Milestones and Transitions

Reaching a milestone affirms progress. We have arrived, we are here! But “here” is a new place and we have changed. We may feel a mixture of joy and sadness. As we savor the accomplishment of having made it, we may also be mourning for what was left behind and the knowledge we are never going back.

I invite you to explore ways in which personalized ceremony can provide support and sustenance as you encounter the milestones on your journey.


Ceremony can  deepen our connection to our inner selves as we navigate transitions such as:

  • Milestone Birthdays
  • Career Change
  • Retirement
  • Gender Transition
  • Name Change
  • Becoming an Elder


Our sense of self is often rooted in our sense of place. Many of us experience at least one change of home in our lives. This can bring a range of emotions – excitement, anxiety, anticipation, loss. Ceremony can serve as a guide along the journey.

  • Leaving Home
  • Homecoming 
  • New House Warming or Blessing
  • Downsizing
  • Moving into Senior Housing

Loss and Healing

Ceremony and ritual are powerful allies when faced with challenges. Whether enacted privately, with a chosen few or with a large circle, you can find the compassionate support you need.

  • Facing Illness
  • Divorce
  • Job Loss
  • Letting Go